I divide my time between filmmaking, learning and teaching martial arts, writing and motorcycle riding so I don’t like to box myself in one category. I’m a guy who does many things, trying to get the max out of my short time on this planet.
The camera, the motorcycle and my own body are just tools that my brain uses to express itself. I love telling stories and living inside them. I don’t create anything, I experience things. Again and again. The observation or the experience becomes a story and the retelling of it by me becomes a way of living it again. I try to live deeply but, needless to say, I’m lost in my head a lot of the time.
Over the years I have chased truth in all its forms and looked for ways to capture beauty and grace and love and how we as humans experience such things. Whether it’s in a lover’s eyes or the feeling of finishing a great book, there is truth and beauty all around

Well, there you go, that’s what I do then, I guess...